Étoile (エトワール) is a song released on June 14, 2020, featuring vflower and Hatsune Miku.
Étoile (エトワール) is track no. 8 on SCRUM vol.1. The song is an album-exclusive song, and it is not available for streaming on any music streaming services.
※Translation by Bedrose
Japanese | English |
わたしの心は白波の上 | Atop the whitecaps, |
ほんちょっとだけ揺らめいて | my heart wavered just a bit, |
あぶくみたいに弾けた | and burst like a bubble |
2時半をまわって光が届かないようになったら | After 2:30, when the light no longer reaches me, |
瞼の裏に星が映る | stars are cast behind my eyelids |
今から手を取って ラッタッタ | From this moment, take my hand rat-a-tat |
愛を知って ラッタッタ | and find love rat-a-tat |
せーの、せーのでほっぺたをつねろう | Together, together, let's pinch each other's cheeks |
幸せな嘘が ラッタッタ | White lies rat-a-tat |
妙にあったかくて困っちゃうわ | are oddly comforting, so I'm in a bind |
空と地面が逆さまになっても | Even if the heavens and the earth are turned upside-down, |
もうこのまま空を蹴って ラッタッタ | I'll stay as I am, kicking the air, rat-a-tat |
頭の中 ラッタッタ | until the melody rat-a-tat |
ワルツの調べが消えぬうちは | of the waltz in my head fades away |
踊りましょうか 右足から | Shall we dance? Place your right foot forward |
目が合わないと困っちゃうわ | If we never lock eyes, we're done for |
涙溢れる音で向こうから明日が来るよ | With the sound of overflowing tears, tomorrow will come for us |
あなたの心は春風に乗って | Your heart floated along on the spring breeze, |
あったかい場所を探す綿毛みたいに離れた | carried away like a wisp of cotton searching for warmth |
わたしは村人A あなたは何もかも忘れ 明日 | I'll be Villager A,[1] you'll forget just about everything, |
違う花を咲かせるのでしょう | and tomorrow you will turn over a new leaf― |
おめでとう | Good for you |
「笑顔で」 ラッタッタ | "With a smile," rat-a-tat |
「前を向いて」 ラッタッタ | "face forward" rat-a-tat |
出来るならこのステージは濡れない | If I can, this stage will never dampen |
大嫌いと言ったって一文字残っちゃって | No matter how much I claim to hate it, one letter always remains, |
ほんのひと息が吸えなくなるの | and I can no longer take even one shallow breath |
もう眠れない夜だけ ラッタッタ | Only on my sleepless nights, rat-a-tat |
手を引いて ラッタッタ | you pulled me by the hand rat-a-tat |
乾いた声を鳴らして笑った | and your dried voice rang out with laughter |
心臓の内側で育ってた花の | I can't even give you one of the flowers |
一輪もあげられない | that was sown in the depths of my heart |
わたしはさ、ほんと弱いな | I guess I really am weak, aren't I |
手を取って ラッタッタ | Take my hand rat-a-tat |
愛を知って ラッタッタ | and find love rat-a-tat |
せーの、せーので思い出を流そう | Together, together, let's spill these memories |
幸せな嘘が ラッタッタ | White lies rat-a-tat |
妙にあったかくて困っちゃうわ | are oddly comforting, so I'm in a bind |
空と地面が逆さまになっても もう泣かない | Even if the heavens and the earth are turned upside-down, I won't cry any more |
地を蹴って ラッタッタ | I'll plant my feet on the ground, rat-a-tat |
喉の奥から ラッタッタ | and from the bottom of my lungs,[2] rat-a-tat |
ワルツの調べの続きを歌うわ | I'll sing the rest of that waltz's melody |
踊りましょうか 右足から | Shall we dance? Place your right foot forward |
見てくれなくても結構だわ | It's okay if you won't look at me |
わたしの笑い声が長い夜を今 走り出す | In this moment, my laughter tears off into the endless night |
Translator Notes[]
- ↑ "Villager A" is a generic term for the first, unnamed NPC in the starting village of a RPG who is not part of the main story. Sometimes it is used as a metaphor for a person who lives a life that, while simple and repetitive, is nonetheless fulfilling.
- ↑ 喉 means throat, not lungs, but although the direct translation, "from the back of my throat" is an established phrase in English, it generally has a more literal meaning than I think is intended in this line, so I went with a more figurative interpretation.