Adipocere (あだぽしゃ, Adaposha) is a song released on June 20th, 2021, featuring Hatsune Miku.
Adipocere (あだぽしゃ) is track no. 7 in Watashi no Heritage. Its counterpart is Urapocere, a song exclusive to the album.
The main character's name was confirmed to be アダ (Ada) in the April Fool's visual novel trailer. This name is derived from the song title, Adaposha.
Adipocere seems to be a song about a toxic relationship from the perspective of Ada, moving forward with her bitter feelings.
She describes both her and her partner as being no more than a Hand of Glory: the dried hand of a hanged man, often filled with their own corpse wax (or adipocere) and used as a candle. They are both in a difficult (very cold) place, and try to keep their relationship alive by providing "warmth", but a candle has to run out someday. The MV shows her dragging her faceless lover behind her, a burden completely covered in winter clothes. It is possible that her partner partakes in lovebombing behaviors, with Ada describing sudden burning heat throughout the lyrics.
At the end, the lyrics describe her candle going out in a burst of flames, and she gives up on trying to endure the cold with him. She drops her winter clothes and loses the torch, giving up on the relationship and jumping into the cold (difficult feelings) that come with a break-up.
※ Translation by Spicy Sweets
Japanese | English |
だらんと垂れ下がっちゃった栄光の手をご覧 | Feast your eyes on that limp Hand of Glory |
私の有り様 | This is what I've been reduced to |
その体が 無様に温まるまで 歩きましょう | Let's keep walking until that body sloppily warms up |
水ぶくれの跡が酷く 痒くて堪えるような | I resisted the urge to scratch the traces of hideous blisters |
爛れた夢の続きを見て 泣いていました | continuing to haunt me from my flame-licked dreams as tears rolled down my face |
大事にしてた秘密の おまじない ふと唱えたら | When I chanted the sacred magic words I kept secret |
わけもなく 体が震えて 正気になった | in an instant, your body unexplainably trembled while you regained consciousness |
私たちもう一生 分かり合えないと 分かっていたでしょう | I knew that we'd never understand each other for as long as we live |
お互い幸せになりましょうね 文字すら読めぬ猿よ | I hope we both find happiness, even if you're a monkey that can't even read letters |
遺言は短めに たいそうお気楽に 済ませるのが良いわ | It'd be nice if saying this last request of mine can swiftly and smoothly end things |
だらんと垂れ下がっちゃった 栄光の手をご覧 | Feast your eyes on that limp Hand of Glory |
あなたの有り様 | This is what you've been reduced to |
目を見て話しましょう お野菜を食べましょう | Look into my eyes, let's have vegetables, |
お勉強しましょう | let's study together |
それはまるで日の光に翼もがれた イカロスのように | Just like how the light of day burned Icarus's wings to ashes |
変わることも終わることもなく続く 眠りの箱のように | or like how things continue changing without end while you sleep in your box |
身に余る 寒さと 問いが 襲いかかった | I was ambushed by both the coldness I can't stand and a flurry of questions |
交差点に渦巻いている 悪意のような陽炎に | The almost spiteful heat haze spiraling at the intersection |
靴を履くのも怖くなって 泣いていました | made me too scared to put on my shoes as tears rolled down my face |
鉄で出来た処刑台の 床から ふと伝わる | While I stood on the gallow made from iron |
温度だけで 体が腐り落ちて 気が狂った | in an instant, the temperature alone was enough to make my body corrode and my sanity crumble |
私たちもうずっと 互いのこと 好きじゃなくていいでしょう | It's not like we have to like each other forever |
私は幸せになれるのよ ここじゃない所でも | I'll be happy, even if I'm not here |
私たちもう一生 分かり合えないと 分かっていたでしょう | I knew that we'd never understand each other for as long as we live |
お互い幸せになりましょうね 忘れてよ この顔も | I hope we both find happiness, forget it all, even this face of mine |
ぐわんと燃え上がっちゃった 栄光の手をご覧 | Feast your eyes on the Hand of Glory engulfed in flames |
私の有り様 | This is what I've been reduced to |
肥大化した自我と 安物ブーツは 脱ぎ捨てましょう | Let's abandon our inflated egos and cheap boots |
私たちもうきっと 逆向きの電車には 乗れないでしょう | We've long since missed the chance to catch the train on the opposite side |
轢き潰してきた その全てに 一言 懺悔と愛を | If I had to put it all into words, then what I've run over was my repentance and love |
私たちもう一生 分かり合えなくても 歩いていくんでしょう | I'll keep walking on, even if we never come to understand each other for the rest of our lives |
お互い幸せになりましょうね すれ違いませんように | I hope we both find happiness, so that we'll never cross paths again |
お互い幸せになりましょうね | I hope we both find happiness |
鐘の音が鳴る | A bell is chiming |