Don't Return to the Water Corpse (水死体にもどらないで) is a song released on December 14, 2018, featuring vflower and Hatsune Miku.
Don't Return to the Water Corpse (水死体にもどらないで) is Iyowa's 6th song. The song is track no. 11 in Sleeping Pink Noise.
The girl's name is Suishitai-chan (水死体ちゃん) which was confirmed in iyowa's twitter post about #いよわガールズグッズ化選挙
The song is about a man who, after failing to save his partner from drowning in the ocean, begins hallucinating her as a siren. Although he knows she is not real, he is eventually so overcome by guilt and grief that he throws himself into the ocean to be with her.
※ Translation by Spicy Sweets, with edits by Bedrose
Japanese | English |
きみは現れた | You appeared |
それは突然だった | That was unexpected |
悲しいくらいよく知ってる顔だったから | It was a face I was sadly familiar with |
こっちを見るなよ | Don't look at me |
こんなのは呪いだ | This is a curse |
きみはただあるはずのない尾びれを揺らした | You swung the tail fin that shouldn't have been there |
きみと泳ぎに行ったあの日を覚えてる | I remember the day we went swimming together |
太陽が西に |
I felt like the sun was |
すぐに掴んだ手にその先は無くて | when I grabbed for your hand, it slipped from my hold |
青い闇に沈んでくきみの姿さえ見逃した | You sunk into the blue depths when I looked away from your silhouette |
全部ぼくの責任だから | It was all my responsibility |
呪われても文句は言えないが | so I won't complain even if I'm cursed, but |
こんな仕打ちあんまりじゃない? | will doing this really be enough? |
セイレーンがこちらを見つめてくる | A siren is looking over here |
いつか | Someday, |
きみがただの水死体に戻ってしまえば | when you return to being a drowned corpse, |
二人で撮った写真も紙になって濡れてくけど | the picture we took together will get soaked |
きみがぼくの脳みその味に興味をもつ迄 | Let's stay here, until you have the desire |
ここで暮らしていよう | to taste my brain |
まだ今は | just for now |
きみが動かなくなったあの日を覚えてる | I remember the day you stopped moving |
太陽が二度と登らないような心地がしてさ | I felt like the sun would never rise again, |
だけど物も言わず佇む人魚は | but no matter how many times I rubbed my eyes, |
何度目をこすっても間違いなくあなたでした | I couldn't deny that you and that silent, still mermaid were one in the same |
全部せめて忘れられたら | If only I could forget everything |
体に染み付いた潮の香りも | even the smell of the waves clinging to my body |
流し切ってしまえるのにな | I'd wash it all away, but |
セイレーンは離してくれないみたい | it doesn't look like the siren will let me go |
いつかきみはぼくの | Someday you will |
つまさきをつかんで | grab my toes, and |
そのままちからまかせに | using all your might, |
ゆかにたたきつけて | thrash me against the floor; |
しょくよくのままに | with a yet unsated appetite, |
なすがままにしてよ | do as you please |
罪ごと 噛み切って さあ | Rip me apart for my sins |
なにかいってくれ | Say something, please |
ぼくをののしることばでもいい | You can curse at me if you'd like |
ゆるさなくてもいい | You don't have to forgive me |
こんなのはのろいだ | This is a curse |
なにもいわないにんぎょが | Even now, a mermaid |
いまもぼくをずっとみつめている | is always silently watching me |
いつか | Someday |
鏡の中水死体が写ってしまえば | when a drowned corpse is reflected in the mirror |
二人の恋は泡になって | our love will be reduced to bubbles |
深海で漂うけど | drifting in the deep sea |
きみがこの部屋を赤く染める時まで | but let's stay here, until this room |
ここで暮らしていよう | is dyed crimson by your hands |
まだ今は | just for now |
そうやっていつまで | How much longer |
ごまかすつもりなんだ | will you so deceive yourself? |
げんじつをみろ | Face reality— |
もういないんだ | you're already gone |
きみがただの水死体に戻ってしまえば | When you return to being a drowned corpse |
きみがただの水死体に戻ってしまえば | When you return to being a drowned corpse |
なんて強がりだな | I'm just bluffing |
本当はずっと一緒にいたいんだよ | The truth is I want to be with you forever |
そうだよ 恋したんだ おいていかないで | That's right, I loved you, so please don't leave |
二人で撮った写真は紙になって濡れてくけど | The picture we took together would get soaked |
きみとぼくの水死体がうかんでくるまで | Let's stay here, until our drowned corpses |
ここで暮らしていよう | rise to the surface |
きみは現れた | You appeared |
きみは初めから現れてなんかいなかった | You were never there to begin with |
それは突然だった | That was unexpected |
ずっと前からそうだった | It's been that way from the very start |
悲しいくらい よく知ってる 顔だったから | It was a face I was sadly familiar with |
悲しいくらい よく知ってる 顔の遺影が まだ笑っている | A face I was sadly familiar with smiled in the memorial photo |
こっちを見るなよ | Don't look at me |
このまま 幻に吞まれさせてくれよ | At this rate, I'll be swallowed up by delusions |
こんなのは呪いだ | This is a curse |
これだけが 救いだ | This is my only way of salvation |
きみはただ泡になって消えた | You vanished into a sea of bubbles |
呟いて 海にとびこんだ | I mumbled, then leapt into the sea |
- Most of the unsung, onscreen text in the MV is encoded as 文字化け (mojibake), or garbled text, which can be deciphered as follows:
- 1:52 - 繧?a縺ヲ縺上l = やめてくれ (stop it)
- 2:00 - 貎ョ = 潮 (tide)
- 2:10 - (hiragana and translation shown in lyrics)
- 2:13 - (hiragana and translation shown in lyrics)
- 2:17 - (hiragana and translation shown in lyrics)
- 2:25 - (hiragana and translation shown in lyrics)
- 2:35 - 縺上■縺九i縺励◆縺溘k = くちからしたたる (dripping from [your] mouth)
- 2:44 - (hiragana and translation shown in lyrics)
- 3:16 - 縺翫>縺ヲ縺?°縺ェ縺?〒 = おいていかないで (please don't leave)
- 3:23 - 繧?a縺ョ縺ゅ→繧偵♀縺?°縺代※縺?∩縺ォ繧ゅ$繧 = ゆめのあとをおいかけてうみにもぐる (I'm gonna dive into the ocean to chase after the rest of my dream)
- 3:26 - 縺薙%縺ァ縺上i縺励※縺?h縺 = ここでくらしていよう (let's stay here)