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IMAWANOKIWA is a song released on November 10, 2019, featuring Hatsune Miku.


IMAWANOKIWA is track no. 4 in Sleeping Pink Noise.

The black haired girl's name is Imawa-san (いまわさん) which was confirmed in iyowa's twitter post about #いよわガールズグッズ化選挙


The song is about the mother (Imawa-san) mourning about her child who passed away.


※ Translation by Spicy Sweets, with edits by Violet

Japanese English
ドラマを見るのが好きだった I liked watching dramas
甘いハッピーエンドに浸っては眠るのが好きだった I liked falling asleep immersed in their sweet happy endings
窓から差し込む光とそよ風が朝を教えた The bright light shining through the window and the breeze taught me what mornings felt like
布団の中さえ冷えていた朝に I spent my cold mornings in my futon
誰にも会いたくなくなって太陽を睨んでいた not wanting to see anyone anymore as I glared at the sunrise
結露越しの街に 白い翼を見た その四肢を見た I saw white wings above the town across the foggy glass, I saw those limbs
間違いなくあなたは私の天使だ You are unmistakably my angel

甘いエンジェルヘイロー I looked up
仰いだ哀れなサクリファイス at your sweet angel halo, a pitiful sacrifice


Those eyes beautiful enough to turn even the definition of happiness upside-down
全てを奪われた took away everything
もう嫌んなったの全部 今はひたすらあなたと I'd come to hate it all. I felt that now, I earnestly want to
もっと もうちょっと居たいなって 思った be with you for just a little longer
暗いほうは見ないで抱きしめた I hugged you without looking to the dark

ドラマを見るのが好きだった I liked watching dramas
甘いハッピーエンドに浸っては眠るのが好きだった I liked falling asleep immersed in their sweet happy endings
窓から差し込む光とそよ風が朝を教えた The bright light shining through the window and the breeze taught me what mornings felt like
此処に無いもの 此処に居ない人 If only the things that aren't here, the people who aren't here
凍った床のワンルームから連れ出してくれたら could take me out of this studio with its frozen floor

甘いエンジェルヘイロー I bit
噛んだ憐れなアノニマス your sweet angel halo, a lamentable anonymous
幸福の定義さえ覆るほどに薬漬けでも構わない Even if I overdose hard enough to turn the definition of happiness upside-down, I don't care
夢を見たいだけだ I just wanted to dream
もう嫌んなったの全部 今はひたすらあなたと I'd come to hate it all. I felt that now, I earnestly want to
もっと もうちょっと居たいなって 思った be with you for just a little longer
暗いほうは見ないで キスをしたのさ I kissed you without looking to the dark

間違いなくあなたは私の天使だった You are unmistakably my angel
光差すバルコニーから 手を伸ばした Light shone from the balcony as I reached for your hand
掴んだんだ、確かに I grasped it, surely

今際の際にて とろけた哀れなサクリファイス In your last moments, it melted, a pitiful sacrifice
幸福の定義さえ覆るほどに綺麗なその瞳に Those eyes beautiful enough to turn even the definition of happiness upside-down
全てを奪われた took away everything
もう嫌んなったの全部 今は ひたすらあなたと I'd come to hate it all. Now, by your side, I earnestly said
「いっそ、天国が見たいな」って笑った "I want to see Heaven soon," with a smile
暗いほうは見ないで飛び立っていくのさ I'm going to fly off without looking to the dark



  • There are 11 messages in morse code shown throughout the MV:
    • at 0:58 there is written "MOTHER" in morse code
    • at 0:59 there is written "MYDAUGHTER" and "WILLNEVERCOMEBACK" in morse code
    • at 1:01 there is written "FUCKINGGODTOOKHER" in morse code
    • at 1:15 there is written "IFORGOT" in morse code
    • at 1:29 it says "IMAWA"
    • at 2:01 there is written "FORGIVEMEMYANGEL" in morse code
    • at 2:15 there is written "WHYDIDYOUCHOOSE" in morse code
    • at 3:07 there is written "I LOVE YOU", "I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT" and "AGAIN" in morse code