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Kyu-kurarin (きゅうくらりん) is a song released on August 29, 2021, featuring KAFU.


Kyu-kurarin (きゅうくらりん) is track no. 9 in Watashi no Heritage.

The main character's name was confirmed to be クラリ (Kurari) in a tweet from August 30th, 2021.


Kyu-kurarin is about a depressed teenage girl who forces herself to keep smiling for the sake of others. She struggles to keep going, and finds herself unable to keep up the act as her symptoms wear on her. The ending shows her crying to someone she loves, who hugs her in return, but it is ambiguous whether it really happened.



People have made comparisons to this song and Sayori from the video game Doki Doki Literature Club! because shortly before the song’s release, Iyowa tweeted that he would like to make a song about her. This leads many to suspect that this is that song, following many similar story beats and aspects of Sayori's character. The girl's character design supports this theory, as she and Sayori share a hairstyle along with bows in their hair.

This has also raised questions about Almost Ended being about Monika from the same game. This would give new context to the line, "Ah, it's just like she said, it's over".


The second verse takes the images of Kurari previously shown and moves all but one upward, as if to depict her hanging. The song's closing line causes many to believe that she dies by suicide at the end of the song. The phrase "ちゅうぶらりん" can be read as something being up in the air, either being literally suspended or figuratively left unresolved.

On October 31, 2023, Iyowa posted a Halloween-themed depiction of Kurari as a jiangshi, possibly supporting this theory.


Translation by AngelSubs

Japanese English
うるさく鳴いた 文字盤を見てた I squinted at the wailing dial
きっときっと鏡越し 8時過ぎのにおい Surely, surely, through the mirror, 8 o'clock has come and gone
しらけた顔 変わってなくてよかった I'm glad my unamused face hasn't changed
ピンクの植木鉢の ぐちょぐちょした心のそばに Beside the pink flowerpot's soaked heart
大きく育ったもの 結ばれたつぼみが Is an overgrown, swollen bud entangled with it
こんなにも 愚かしい It's so foolish

ああ 化石になっちまうよ Ah, I'll turn into a fossil
ああ 取り繕っていたいな Ah, I want to keep up the act
ちゃんと笑えなきゃね 大した取り柄も無いから I have to smile, since I don't really have anything going for me
空っぽが埋まらないこと 全部ばれてたらどうしよう I can't fill this gaping emptiness; what will I do if it all gets out?
ああ あなたの右どなり Ah, the neighbor to your right
わたし きゅうくらりん My heart races, head fuzzy
例えば今夜眠って 目覚めたときに Say, when I fall asleep tonight and open my eyes
起きる理由が ひとつも 見つからない I can't find a single reason to get up
朝が来たら わたしは どうする? When the morning comes, what exactly... should I do?

うるさく鳴いた 文字盤を見てた I squinted at the wailing dial
一歩一歩あとずさり 「また明日ね」とぽつり Backing away one step at a time, "see you then," I mumble
喜びより 安堵が先に来ちゃった Relief came before any sort of joy
思い出西日越し うつるこまかなヒビが Through the reminiscent setting sun, the tiny cracks can be seen
こんなにも恐ろしい It's so unbelievably terrifying

ああ あなたが知ってしまう Ah, you'll find out
ああ 取り繕っていたいな Ah, I want to keep up the act
ちゃんと笑えなきゃね 大切が壊れちゃうから I have to smile, or the things precious to me will break
幸せな明日を願うけど 底なしの孤独をどうしよう I wish for a happy tomorrow, but what will I do about this abyss of loneliness?
もう うめき声しか出ない I can't even scream anymore
わたし ぎゅうぐらりん My heart seizes up, head dizzy

ああ 虹がかかっている空 きれいと思いたくて Ahh, I want to think a sky filled with rainbows is pretty
焦がれては逃げられないこと What I yearn for is being unable to run away
みんなにはくだらないこと What everyone finds worthless
もう どうしようもないの Ugh, but there's nothing to be done about it
わたし きゅうくらりん My heart races, head fuzzy

そばにたぐりよせた末路 The final days are closing in on me
枯れ落ちたつぼみが こんなにも汚らわしくて This withered bud is so unbelievably filthy...
いじらしい So innocent

ああ 呪いになっちまうよ Ah, I'll turn into a curse
ああ 「あきらめた」って言わなくちゃ Ah, I have to say "I've given up"
頭の中で ノイズが鳴りやまないから Or the static in my head won't stop
空っぽが埋まらないこと 全部ばれてたらどうしよう I can't fill this gaping emptiness; what will I do if it all gets out?
ああ あの子の言うとおり 終わりなんだ Ah, it's just like she said, it's over

ああ 幸せになっちまうよ Ah, I'll end up happy
ああ 失うのがつらいな Ah, losing things is painful
全部ムダになったら 愛した罰を受けるから If it all goes to waste, I'll take my punishment for having loved
ひどく優しいあなたの 胸で泣けたならどうしよう You're so, so nice... What would I do if I cried into your chest?
最後 見たのはそんな夢 That was the dream I saw in the end
わたし ちゅうぶらりん My heart hangs in the air



  • Kyu-kurarin was the first Iyowa song to use a CeVIO voicebank.
  • Kyu-kurarin is playable in maimai DX, CHUNITHM, Taiko no Tatsujin, O.N.G.E.K.I. and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage.