Leave you on The Back of the Earth (地球の裏, Chikyuu no Ura) is a song released on November 29, 2022, featuring RIME.
The song is track no. 4, disc 2 in Films, Sunny Spots, Graduations. The song seems to be connected to Take You To an Alien.
Having no confirmed name, fans call her 裏 (Ura).
Leave you on The Back of the Earth is about a creature speaking to someone at the aforementioned location. Her appearance and mannerisms imitate the cats she's read about in a picture book, and she seems to act as a representative between life and death. She speaks callously to the human that found themself there while ending sentences with a "meow".
Many religions locate hell/the underworld as being downward, underneath the Earth. It's possible that the person Ura is speaking to may have committed suicide. She speaks of how they're not supposed to be there, and echoes throughout the song that they cannot die because of a choice they made. Ura's "cat ears" are never drawn with fur, and can rather resemble horns.
Take you to an Alien[]
Take you to an Alien is about being taken above, while this song is about being taken below. Both characters seem to be aliens -- in that Ura speaks down upon human customs, and both refer to their heart as an "intact measurement tool". It is unknown if they have any connection beyond that, if they are the same kind, etc.
Translation by 25239x
Japanese | English |
ぬるくなった魚のような目をしている | Eyes looking like those of a fish gone tepid, |
強すぎる光でかぶれて腐っていく | skin getting a rash and rotting under the intense light-- |
あなたのこと見かねてむかえに来た獣 | Unable to overlook your sorry state, an animal came to pick you up |
自己の紹介です | That'd be yours truly |
唇のすき間から酒をこぼしたり | Spilling out alcohol from the gap between my lips, |
味のしない肉をただ噛んでいる | I'm simply chewing on insipid meat |
遠慮がちな墓に成りさがってゆく屍 | A corpse is being reduced to a mere tomb |
意識は朦朧としてるかい | So, is your consciousness feeling faint? |
首輪の内側には棘が刺さっている | In the inside of your collar, there's thorns piercing you |
動くたびに深く食いこみ抉っていく | Each time you move, they dig deeper and gouge your neck out |
金にできる石や紐とかはもう何にも無い | There's no stone or string left that can be turned to money |
コインを貸してあげる | I will lend you a coin |
唾飛ばしてめくった | I spat all over and turned it-- |
カードの柄は変わらない | the pattern of the card remains the same |
爪食いこむ前足そっくりの生き物のこと図鑑で読んだわ | I've read all about those creatures that seem to dig their claws in their forefeet in a encyclopedia! |
地球の裏 25グラムの嘘 静かな虚無 | The bottom of the Earth, a lie of 25 grams, a quiet nothingness-- |
奥深くまで落ちて行きましょう | Let's sink deeper into them! |
乱れの無い計測機器が捉えるのは醜い人 | The measuring equipment, with no disturbance, catches sight of an ugly person |
とうとう | In the end, |
やめることも逃げることも出来ぬままで | you remained unable to stop or run away, |
心の臓を切り売りして生きてきたでしょう | and lived your life like so, selling your heart piece by piece, didn't you? |
口移しの毒を飲み込んで | You drink the poison mouth-fed to you |
それでもまだ死ねない生命体ですにゃあ | but you're a life-form that can't die just yet, meow |
薬指にはめたそのゴミは何の証 | That useless trinket around your leech finger, what's it supposed to prove? |
永く曖昧で | A story |
組み上げたミルクパズルの絵のような話 | just like the vague picture of a milk puzzle put together through a long time |
また鳴り響いた | echoed again |
体じゅうが穴だらけ 血をこぼしている | Your body is covered in holes, blood spilling from them |
しばりつけた足先をただよじったって | You can twist your shackled feet all you want, but |
質量をもつ幸福の鎖がもう消えない | those chains of happiness, bound by the laws of physics, will no longer disappear |
コインを貸してあげる | I will lend you a coin |
ふくれてははじけた | It expanded, then burst open |
糸と針でつないだ | I tied it together with needle and thread |
耳元へと吹きかけた甘い息 | The sweet breath I blew into your ear, |
呪いの音 終わらせないでね | the sound of the curse, don't let it end, all right? |
近づかないでね | Don't get closer, all right? |
都合のいい見た目をして | It has a convenient appearance, |
都合のいいことを喋る | it speaks of convenient things-- |
けだものを求めたけだもの | so is the beast another beast sought |
乱れの無い計測機器が捉えるのは気持ち悪い人 | The measuring equipment, with no disturbance, catches sight of a disgusting person |
ここはダメだ | You understand |
居られないと | that this place is no good, |
分かりながらそれでもまだ | that you can't be here, and yet |
魂があると言い張るの | you still keep insisting that you have a soul? |
口移しの毒を吐き出して | You puked the poison that was mouth-fed to you |
逃げたのは 底のない | and ran away to a bottomless |
暗い世界ですにゃあ | dark world, meow |
唾飛ばしてめくった | I spat all over and turned it-- |
カードの柄もう読めない | I can't read the pattern of the card anymore |
爪食いこむ前足そっくりの生き物のこと図鑑で読んだわ | I've read all about those creatures that seem to dig their claws in their forefeet in a encyclopedia! |
地球の裏 25グラムの嘘 消えない頭痛と | The bottom of the Earth, a lie of 25 grams, a constant headache-- |
深くまで堕ちて行きましょう | Let's fall even deeper into them! |
汚れた愛 | All a sullied love, |
汚れた意志が捕らえるのは知らない人だけ | a sullied will captures is an unknown person |
ずっと泣いてずっと泣いてずっとずっと泣いてずっと泣いてずっと生きていくでしょう | You're always crying, always crying, always, always crying, always crying, and always living on, aren't you? |
その体 土に還ろうと | Even if that body of yours returns to the soil, |
それでもまだ死ねない | you can't die just yet |
そういう選択だ | That is your choice |
Translation by Spicy Sweets
Japanese | English |
ぬるくなった魚のような目をしている | Your eyes reminded me of a tepid fish |
強すぎる光でかぶれて腐っていく | enduring the scorching light as it rots away |
あなたのこと見かねてむかえに来た獣 | I, just a beast, couldn't bear to look anymore |
自己の紹介です | There's my introduction |
唇のすき間から酒をこぼしたり | Wine drips from between your lips |
味のしない肉をただ噛んでいる | while you simply devour the tasteless meat |
遠慮がちな墓に成りさがってゆく屍 | I wonder if the corpse being lowered into that elusive tomb |
意識は朦朧としてるかい | has lost the sharpness its mind once had? |
首輪の内側には棘が刺さっている | Thorns prick me from beneath my collar |
動くたびに深く食いこみ抉っていく | every time I move, they dig further into my skin |
金にできる石や紐とかはもう何にも無い | My valuable stones and leashes have long since vanished |
コインを貸してあげる | Here's some spare change |
唾飛ばしてめくった | I turned over the spat out card |
カードの柄は変わらない | but its face is unchanging |
爪食いこむ前足そっくりの生き物のこと図鑑で読んだわ | I read a picture book about all the creatures that knead with their paws |
地球の裏 25グラムの嘘 静かな虚無 | 25 grams of lies rests on the back of the earth in a silent emptiness |
奥深くまで落ちて行きましょう | Let's fall until we reach the very bottom |
乱れの無い計測機器が捉えるのは醜い人 | The intact measurement tool captures a cruel person |
とうとう | Finally, |
やめることも逃げることも出来ぬままで | You couldn't stop, and you couldn't escape either |
心の臓を切り売りして生きてきたでしょう | so you lived by selling your heart piece by piece, didn't you? |
口移しの毒を飲み込んで | You drank the poison shared between our lips |
それでもまだ死ねない生命体ですにゃあ | yet it's still impawssible for you to die |
薬指にはめたそのゴミは何の証 | What does that piece of trash on your ring finger prove? |
永く曖昧で | This is as vague as |
組み上げたミルクパズルの絵のような話 | the strenuous task of putting a blank puzzle together |
また鳴り響いた | It resounded again |
体じゅうが穴だらけ 血をこぼしている | Blood drips from your body filled with holes |
しばりつけた足先をただよじったって | while you simply twist your bound feet |
質量をもつ幸福の鎖がもう消えない | The lock that held the physical embodiment of happiness just won't disappear |
コインを貸してあげる | Here's some spare change |
ふくれてははじけた | It swelled up before bursting |
糸と針でつないだ | but a needle and thread patched it up |
耳元へと吹きかけた甘い息 | A sweet breath blew past your ear |
呪いの音 終わらせないでね | Don't make the sound of curses stop |
近づかないでね | Stay away |
都合のいい見た目をして | Making yourself look suitable |
都合のいいことを喋る | and only talking about what's convenient |
けだものを求めたけだもの | As a beast wishes for another beast |
乱れの無い計測機器が捉えるのは気持ち悪い人 | The intact measurement tool captures a wicked person |
ここはダメだ | You shouldn't be here |
居られないと | While coming to terms |
分かりながらそれでもまだ | with that fact, you continue to insist |
魂があると言い張るの | that your soul still exists |
口移しの毒を吐き出して | You spat out the poison shared between our lips |
逃げたのは 底のない | and ran into an endless abyss |
暗い世界ですにゃあ | What a clawfully dark world |
唾飛ばしてめくった | I turned over the spat out card |
カードの柄もう読めない | but its face is illegible |
爪食いこむ前足そっくりの生き物のこと図鑑で読んだわ | I read a picture book about all the creatures that knead with their paws |
地球の裏 25グラムの嘘 消えない頭痛と | 25 grams of lies rests on the back of the earth in an incessant headache |
深くまで堕ちて行きましょう | Let's fall until we reach the very bottom |
汚れた愛 | All your tainted love |
汚れた意志が捕らえるのは知らない人だけ | and volition will capture is a stranger, and nothing else |
ずっと泣いてずっと泣いてずっとずっと泣いてずっと泣いてずっと生きていくでしょう | You're going to always be crying, crying, forever and ever crying, and crying for as long as you live, won't you? |
その体 土に還ろうと | Even if you return that body to the earth |
それでもまだ死ねない | it's still impossible for it to die |
そういう選択だ | since that's the choice that's been made. |