Iyowa Wiki

Living Millennium (1000年生きてる, Sen'nen Ikiteru) is a song released on December 11, 2020, featuring Hatsune Miku and Flower.


Living Millennium (1000年生きてる) is the 15th and final song of Watashi no Heritage. The song is also featured as the cover art for the album.

The description states, “Maaan, I wanna have a long liiiife!”

Although fans often refer to her as "Iki," derived from the title of the song (Sen'nen Ikiteru), her name was confirmed to be Sen'nen-chan (1000年ちゃん) in a playable event in the rhythm game CHUNITHM[1].


The song seems to be sung by a higher being who lives much longer than normal humans, depicted as a girl in a painting hung up at an art gallery. She looks down on humans, but says that though they live pitiful and temporary lives, their feelings can last a millennia.


※ Translation by Tackmyn Y.

Japanese English
あー Aah!
決まった言葉垂れてまたヒューマン You utter some “cool” lines once again, human,
ちょっとステキな晒し者ね Made into a show in a somewhat wonderful way!
はした命眺めて全てを無視した I gazed at the petty life and ignored everything.
額ぶちの中で1000年生きてるのさ Inside the frame, I’ve been living for a millennium.

知らない偉い人が石に文字彫って祈って A big-wig I don’t know engraved some letters on a stone and prayed
気の狂った誰かがホワイトを塗りたくった While a weirdo daubed white all over their face.
ガラクタの上でくどいプロポーズを待って Atop the rubbish, they wait for a lengthy proposal,
あつい口づけを交わすとき鳴りひびくクラクション And when they exchange a passionate kiss, a hooter blares out.

狂ったフリでごまかしていこうぜ Let’s pretend to be crazy and fake it all!
骨も残らぬパパママよ O Mommy and Daddy, whose bones won’t even be left.
ラッタッタ口ずさんだ歌の名を知りたくて Rat-a-tat, curious of the name of the song I hummed,
まつり上げては落としたヒューマン You put me on a pedestal and then degraded me, human.
ちょっと皮肉なオクシモロンね That’s a somewhat ironic oxymoron, isn’t it!
斜の斜に構えて全てを無視した You assumed such a cynical attitude and ignored everything.
あなたの気持ちが1000年生きてるのさ Your feelings have been living for a millennium.

左利きの直し方も It seems they’ve forgotten
消えない傷のえぐり方も how to correct their left-handedness,
恐怖って感情の消しかたも忘れたらしいし how to gouge out the indelible scar, and how to erase the emotion named “fear.”
進化か退化か分からないが I don’t know if it’s actually evolution or degeneration,
顔も見られず殺せるらしい But it seems they can now kill people without being seen.
荒屋の生活は思い出すだけ無駄らしい It also seems there’s no point calling back their life in the shack.

狂ったフリでごまかしていこうぜ Let’s pretend to be crazy and fake it all!
ちょっと笑える話をしよう Allow me to tell you something funny.
あっはっは 泣き腫らしたあの日とはお別れね A-ha-ha! Farewell to those days when you wept your eyes out.
曲がって歩いて転げたヒューマン You bent, walked, and wallowed, human!
ちょっと皮肉なアディショナルタイム How somewhat ironic that additional time is.
あなたの気持ちに賭けてみたいのさ I’d love to place a bet on your feelings.

一生このまま尻尾の皮一枚で繋がれた奴隷か? Will you be a slave like this for the rest of your life, tied up by the skin of your tail?
喉元に噛みつく牙はまだあるかい? Do you still have fangs to snap at my throat?
残り時間の少ないヒューマン O human with little time left,
見ててあげるわ 楽しませて I shall watch you, so make my day!
生き汚く生きて何かを創ったら If you lived a dirty life and created something,
あなたの気持ちが1000年生きられるかもしれないから Then your feelings might be able to live for a millennium—well, who knows?



