M・O・E is a song released on November 23, 2024, featuring Hatsune Miku.
M・O・E is track no. 5 on the compilation album ADdictive Game Center, featuring various artists, including Iyowa. It was released for the album release fair, THE VOC@LOID M@STER 57. It is not currently available for streaming, but the album can be purchased on Natsuyama Yotsugi's (夏山よつぎ) BOOTH page.
※ Translation by Bedrose
Japanese | English |
無限遠の先からハロー | From beyond infinity, hello! |
いつからいたの? | How long've you been around? |
過労のオーラ纏ったROOM NO.3 | Room No. 3, clad in an aura of toil |
私人間になりた〜いの | I wanna be human~ |
ラップトップ開けラッシュ | The rush of starting up a laptop |
神様のトップページ宛ててタイプ、タイプ | Type, type the link to God's home page |
アディクティブな感触 | It's an addictive sensation |
そんな顔は反則 | That face is a violation |
モザイク入れとく | I'll put it in a mosaic |
最悪って言えるうちは最悪じゃない | If you can still call it awful, it's not truly awful |
やみつきなゲーム始まってる | An addictive game is underway― |
開幕繰り出す必殺 | a curtain-raiser set forth toward certain death |
窓の外がまたバタバタ | The world outside the window flutters once more |
錆びて欠けちまった看板みたいな余波、余波 | Its wake, wake, like rusted, chipped away billboards |
たまたまよマイマスター 顔変わった? | By chance, my master, has my face changed? |
暗いからもっと覗き込んでね | It's dark, so be sure to look closely― |
フラッシュは焚かないでね | and no flash photography, ok? |
ショートケーキの苺を食べるのが何時かで | Let us foretell the moment we eat the strawberry off the shortcake |
世界が滅ぶタイミングを占いましょ | as the timing of the world's perish |
四番バッターから広がった破壊のエントロピー | ―the soul of wit[1], randomized by the entropy |
ランダマイズされた叡智の真髄なんです | of a devastation spread ever wider since the fourth batter |
人も海も鳥も木も | Men, seas, birds, trees― |
虚空が産んだ偶然なの | they're all accidents born from the void |
生きるべきか死ぬべきか | "To be or not to be..."[2] |
部分点をプレゼント! | I'll give you partial points! |
拝んじゃった運命のライター | ―the writer of a wholly revered fate |
楽観の連続死 | The serial death of optimism, |
かわいらしさは叡智の真髄なんです | whose cuteness is the soul of wit |
咲けばすぐに散って枯れる | People in bloom like roses― |
薔薇のような可憐な人 | blossoming just to wilt and wither |
喜劇と呼べるありさま | To those spectacles that can be called comedy, |
数億年後に会いましょう | let's meet after a few aeons |
無限遠の先からハロー | From beyond infinity, hello! |
いつまでいるの? | How long'll you be around? |
嚙み飽きた甘味、甘味 ROOM NO.3 | Room No. 3, a sating bite of saccharinity, saccharinity |
食っちゃ寝 兼ねがね | Just eat, sleep, repeat―for ages |
あれはね 食べられたもんじゃないよ | But that―it's not something that can be eaten |
ぽち! | Oh, servant! |
奇跡が好き?祈りが好き?期待が好き? | You like miracles? You like prayers? You like expectations? |
救いが好き? | You like salvation? |
そっか!じゃあlalalalalalalalala♪ | Aha! Well~lalalalalalalalala♪ |
Translator Notes[]
- ↑ This phrase is a reference to the Japanese translation of the line "Brevity is the soul of wit" (簡潔こそが英知の真髄である) from Hamlet. Therefore, it can be inferred that M・O・E (Monkey of Eternity) is a reference to the infinite monkey theorem.
- ↑ This is a reference to the opening line of Hamlet.