Pajamy (パジャミィ) is a song released on March 27, 2022, featuring Hatsune Miku.
Pajamy (パジャミィ) is track no. 1, disc 1 in Films, Sunny Spots, Graduations. Its counterpart song is Midnight Fear.
The song features the blonde Pajamy-chan and dark-haired Rico, the protagonist of Apricot.
Pajamy is prominently featured in the album it was released under. Said album's title is derived from a Pajamy lyric, and its characters are depicted in the cover artwork.
Pajamy is about Rico's happy childhood with her friend Pajamy-chan. At 1:57 of the video, it shows the older Rico looking back at her childhood, wanting to go back.
※ Translation by nikkidoujin, with edits by Violet
Japanese | English |
遠い 夢の部屋 はじめましてじゃないって | Far, far away, lies the room of dreams – but you’ve known it’s no fairy tale. |
暗い 夜がこわくて 泣いていたのね | Dark, so dark – the night was scary... that’s why you were crying, right? |
ふたり クラスメイトとは 少し違う友達が | Us two are friends, a little different from textbook “classmates.” |
ささやき声で連れていくわ 秘密基地に | Soft whispers lead us into the secret base... |
きみの傷をいやすように | I scattered toys in the air all around, |
痛みから気をそらすように | and our long sleeves were just a little bit ticklish, |
とっ散らかしたおもちゃと長い袖が ちょっとくすぐったくて | so that your wounds could heal, so that your pain could be ignored. |
頬をつねって「また会おうぜ」 裸足で蹴り飛ばして | Pinching each others’ cheek, we promise, “Until next time!”, and we kick it away – |
宙に向けて放った | yes, we send it flying towards the sky! |
大事なだれかの心の時間かせぎ | In the end, it’s just buying time for the sake of someone dear. |
お願い目覚めを忘れたままで、パジャミィ | Just please, keep sleeping as you are, Pajamy... |
遠い夢の部屋 はじめましてじゃないって | Far, far away, lies the room of dreams – but you’ve known it’s no fairy tale. |
苦い 朝がこわくて 泣いていたのね | Bitter, so bitter – the morning was scary... that’s why you were crying, right? |
「皆 嘘をついてる」と涙ぐむ 瞳が | “Everyone’s lying,” you said, tears filling your eyes. |
ささやき声で 打ち明けて秘密を うつした | In soft whispers, the secret I’d divulged to you was revealed... |
大人になっていくきみに 忘れ物を届けるように | In order to deliver ‘what was forgotten’ to you, who grows older each day – |
さあ遊ぼうぜ今 ぼくらは心をちょっとすりむいただけ | oh, come on, let’s play! – Our hearts were bruised only a little, after all. |
朝焼けが背中を刺して 閉じたドアの向こうで | The morning sun pierced my back, and from behind the closed door, |
怖い声が言った | a frightening voice spoke: |
「本当の気持ちは誰にも言えないのに」 | “Even though my true feelings cannot be expressed,” |
「最後は地獄へ落ちるだけなのに」 | “Even though I’ll only fall to hell in the end...” |
映画も 陽だまりも 卒業式も | Movies, sunshine, graduation too – |
あふれる音楽が流れ終わったなら | when the grand, overflowing music comes to an end, |
寂しいけれど お片付けをしなくちゃ | it’s lonely – but I have to tidy up. |
ねぇ こうして もらいすぎたものを返せたら | Hey, if I were able to return the many, many things I received but didn’t deserve, |
そのために生まれてきた と思える | I would think that was my reason for being born. |
それならば誰があなたを起こすの、パジャミィ | But if that were the case, then who would be the one to wake you up, Pajamy?... |
晴れた お別れの日に | – It was so on the sunny day we parted, |
こんな曲を流すように | you could play a song like this. |
とっ散らかったおもちゃと長い袖が やっぱくすぐったくて | I scattered toys in the air all around, and, yes, our long sleeves really were ticklish |
涙ぬぐって笑おうぜ 裸足が蹴り飛ばして 宙に向けて放った | Come on, let’s wipe the tears away and laugh! Barefoot, we kick it away – yes, we sent it flying towards the sky! |
大事なわたしのこころの時間かせぎ | You were buying time, but it was for my sake – thank you so much. |
お願いあなたを忘れぬままで、パジャミィ | I pray I never forget you, Pajamy. |
'The pink queen' Momo ☆3 card, which features Pajamy and Apricot-chan from iyowa's 2024 April 1st joke "Pajamy in wonderland gacha"