Villain (ヴィラン) is a remix released on December 15, 2021, featuring Hatsune Miku.
Villain (ヴィラン) is a remix by Iyowa of the original song by Teniwoha (てにをは). The song was released as track no. 2 on disc 2 of EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalodelight feat. Hatsune Miku, a compilation album featuring many Vocaloid producers, including Iyowa. It is an album-exclusive song, but it is available for streaming on various streaming services.
※ Translation from Teniwoha, with edits by Timario
Japanese | Official English |
きっと手を繋ぐだけでゾッとされる | I'm sure we freak them out just by holding hands |
You're reported when you opt out of the "rat race" | |
It's not a mutation; it's just the way I am. | |
XとかYとか | Whether that's X or Y |
べき論者様は善悪多頭飼い | Stubborn people[1] hoard many goods and evils |
僕が君を"侵害"するって言いふらしてる | They're spreading the word that I've "infringed" upon you. |
Oh... | Oh... |
Mr.Crazy Villain Villain | Mr. Crazy Villain Villain |
夜行性の花弁 | Nocturnal petals |
違う服着て君の前では男子のフリする | I wear different clothes and pretend to be a boy in front of you |
拝啓 Dr.Duran Duran | Dear Dr. Duran Duran, |
迎えにきて下さい | Please come pick me up |
顔も知らない誰かにとって僕はもうヴィラン | Even to those I don't know, I'm already deemed a villain. |
蛇蝎ライフ | My hated life |
蛇蝎ライフ | My hated life |
挙句の糜爛 | Eventually becomes inflamed |
逸脱の |
I cover up my deviant nature again |
雄蕊と雄蕊じゃ立ち行かないの? | A stamen and stamen won't get anywhere? |
ねぇ知ってんのか乱歩という作家のことを Import you | Hey, you know a writer named Ranpo? Import you |
造花も果ては実を結ぶ | Someday, even artificial flowers will bear fruit |
ぶるってんじゃねーよ 多種多様の性 | Don't be so scared; there's a wide variety of genders |
Let's talk about gelatinous things, like lovely things and sad things | |
「で?」 | "So what?" |
Mr.Crazy Villain Villain | Mr. Crazy Villain Villain |
可能性に幸あれ | May you be happy with the possibilities |
僕のハート1LDK 嫉妬くらいはさせてよ | My heart's an 1LDK apartment, let me be jealous at the very least |
Hi there モットーYOLO | Hi there! My motto is YOLO |
微熱愛でいいのに | I just need a little love |
誰も知らない 知られたくない | No one knows, I don't want anyone to know |
皮膚の下 | What's under my skin |
素晴らしき悪党共に捧げる唄 | This is a song dedicated to the great villains |
骨まで演じ切ってやれ悪辣に | Act the part to the very bone, viciously |
残酷な町ほど綺麗な虹が立つ | The more cruel a town, the more beautiful its rainbow |
猥雑広告に踊るポップ体の愛 | Dancing on obscene ads, it's a pop font love |
Oh Mr.Crazy Villain Villain | Oh Mr. Crazy Villain Villain |
夜行性の花弁 | Nocturnal petals |
違う服着て君の前では男子のフリを! | Wearing different clothes, I pretend to be a boy in front of you! |
拝啓 Dr.Duran Duran | Dear Dr. Duran Duran, |
ここだよ | I'm here! |
顔も知らない誰かにとって僕はもうヴィラン | Even to those I don't know, I'm already deemed a villain. |
蛇蝎ライフ | My hated life |
蛇蝎ライフ | My hated life |
挙句の果ての糜爛 | In the end becomes inflamed |
Translation Notes[]
- ↑ This word specifically means people who advocate for or insist upon the fulfillment of obligations or the realization of ideals as something necessary. Presumably, it refers to people telling the singer what they "should do" regardless of what the singer thinks or how the singer feels about it.