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Write over me (うわがき) is a song released on August 24, 2024, featuring Hatsune Miku and Hanakuma Chifuyu.


Write over me (うわがき) is an experimental-alternative rock song composed and illustrated by Iyowa featuring Hatsune Miku and Hanakuma Chifuyu. It was released for participating the #YouTubeMusicWeekend Event 8.0.

It was the second song to premiere in the event, and it follows the events described in the first one, Uwagaki (上書き).




※ Translation by Paino

Japanese English
さようなら Goodbye,
私に居残った愛しき青春よ to my dear youth that resides in me.
さようなら、さようなら Goodbye, goodbye.
時間切れになってしまった Our time together has been cut short.
さようなら Goodbye,
あなたと色褪せた日暮れの停留所 to the fading twilight at the bus stop with you.
さようなら、さようなら Goodbye, goodbye.
私を憶えていますか Do you remember me?

鳴いても戻らない蝉 The cicadas will never return no matter how they cry out,
張り付く髪 波際の香り your hair that clings onto my skin, the aroma of the shore.
また揺れる They sway once again.
晴れても止まない雨に Even when it clears up, the rain doesn’t cease,
潤う間 強すぎる痛み in the moments soaked with sorrow, the pain runs deep.
また揺れる They sway once again.

脳をうわがきして I've overwritten my brain.
記憶をうわがきして I've overwritten my memories.
愛をうわがきして I've overwritten my love.
後悔をうわがきして I've overwritten my regrets.
今日をうわがきして I've overwritten today.
昨日をうわがきして I've overwritten yesterday.
差異をうわがきして I've overwritten the disparity.
かなしさをうわがきした I've overwritten my sadness.

さようなら Goodbye,
あの日に投げつけた戻らぬ一言よ to those few irreversible words I hurled at you that day.
さようなら、さようなら Goodbye, goodbye.
蜃気楼になってしまった They've become a mirage.
さようなら Goodbye,
あなたの温もりと暫しの幻よ to your warmth and the fleeting illusion.
さようなら、さようなら Goodbye, goodbye.
私を裁いていますか Are you judging me?

運ぶには重すぎたね They were too heavy to carry.
火傷の後の水膨れのように My swollen memories,
膨らんだ記憶 are just like blisters after a burn.
針を刺して I tried piercing them with a needle,
開くには厚すぎた but it was too thick to pierce.
理科の教科書の裏表紙のように Just like the back cover of a science textbook,
ちぎれた自我が加水分解した My torn ego was hydrolyzed.

さようなら Goodbye,
わたしに遺された愛しき青春よ to my dear youth that I left behind.
さようなら、さようなら Goodbye, goodbye.
時間切れになってしまった Our time together has been cut short.
さようなら Goodbye,
あなたと to you
油性ペンで書かれた筋書きよ and to the synopsis that I wrote in permanent marker.
頭の中 In my head,
終わる歌が the ending song
ただ繰り返していました just kept repeating itself.

